onsdag 8. desember 2010

Advent calendar day 8

As you might already have noticed I did not make a  post  yesterday. I got lucky and got  myself out of the fever coma that has tortured med the last two weeks last night. So feed up of watching my house look like  mayhem I got the bath cleaned, tidied  up a bunch of places and started painting our hall again. The energy lasted some  hours then it was back to the sofa again. But today I am okay. Hope it lasts.

Todays  inspiration blog is passionate for white. A US blog that stands out among the pastell pinkalishious and baby blue shabby chic blogs. It  is scandanavian shabby chic  in style. So much gorgeous stuff. She  is very good at showing DIY stuff and she  have a  passion for white, vintage even Jude Law  is  in the also. LOL! :D

If you have to little to do in advent  or are  itching  in your fingers to crafs something.Look no furter Passionate for  white delivers a  lot of inspiration. And very gorgeous  pictures of course. :)


i will be very happy if you took the time to leave me a comments. :)


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