tirsdag 30. november 2010

Advent calendar day 1

Good morning!
I bring temptations and drooling:)
First link in the calendar is coeur en provence Such pretty inspirational pictures. A  lot of goodies to be inspired  of  here. Look at thoose  butterflies  in the jar. This is so pretty. I dont anderstand a bit french so I just  have a good time  looking at the  pictures and that this  inspirational advent calender  is all about anyways. A lot moore inspiration to be found on the blog of course.

She also have very pretty pictures of Eucalyptus. Not all have olive branches to decorate with and Eucalypthus  is one  of  my all time favorites ( I am a florist) The leafes dries out but keep their colors, that is very handy inside our dry aired houses.

Tinhouse said she didnt want to fall into another one of my link traps LMAO :-D Well you are warned!

Have lots of fun!


mandag 22. november 2010

Preview advent inspiration link calendar.

Peek a boo!
Lat sunday I woke  up with a familiar itch in my noose and troath. before i knew  it five days had  passed by in fever  on the sofa. Oh man that flu was nasty.
But  I am back.
But i dont carry a download this time. Oh no I carry inspiration for you.

every day I seek out  inspiration for  my own interior at  home and also for the games  of course. Doing this I find the most stunning blogs. Sometimes i just sit and gasp for air. So crafty and beautiful stuff homemade and gorgeous  makeovers  of rooms and furiture.  So I have decided as  long as I am not  prevented to do so I will post a  inspiraional blog link here  every day from the first day of advent until xmas.

Right  now i am up to my ears with paint and dust because we are doing  a  major make over in our  real life home. A must thing to do so I will not have so much time creating before xmas. But I have made one advent gift for Cherryblossom forum already. i just gotta  get  my game loaded. I forget. Dah!!
And also I have joined the santa gift at Black Pearl sims. I am so curious about  who my elf will be. =))

Regarding Caw and  my world. At the  moment things suddenly became so buzy in Rl that I just  have to take every spare  moment I can use  on it as a gift. I have to much work left  on it so I have absolutely no chance of making  it into a advent gift as I planned to. But thats how it is when unexpected angels  in my family have decided to do a  major  overhaul help with our  house. We can not say no to that can we.=)

A  preadvent  inspirational blog I got for you of course. Get the coffee or what ever you like before you open the  link, because this blog is so crisp and so inspiering. So fresh and very inspirational for decorating in-game.

house of turquoise

The picture is borrowed form House  of Turquise of course.

I wish you a inspirational afternoon, evening  night  or morning wherever you are.

onsdag 3. november 2010

I'm alive

Time to report in I think.I've been silent with no upcoming  work at at. You're  not spoiled I know.
Firstly I am a  little bit  messed  up right  now. I have this illness that messes with me sometimes so them I am not very good at multitasking really. But I have  been doing stuff. A lot!
What I have  never mentioned before is that this blog will not be etirely S2 blog. I am currently working  on a world. For some observant souls at Bpsit is old news. I started working with this world almost a  year ago. It is almost so long CAW came out.  The  initial inspiration and idea was the  norwegian whitewashed fishing villages that we have very many of here along our very long coastline. A long the way it became a with weatherworn french touched as well.

After the garden season finished I have worked with it almost every single day. It  is closing  in on me now. 2/3 finished aprox. Thats  not bad. I will styart testing  it next week I think. ButI have to struggle to get the LN shells  in place. Uhm. thoose. I wonder If I shall build scrapers myself  instead. Surely they will not be 30 storys high. But I am shure the game have some kind  of code that allows  me to build 8 or 10? In my opinion it would  look a  lot better.
I am not using  any CC. Well thats almost true. Jynx custom community rugs I must use. And also EA silly as  it is forgot to include the trashshute and mailbox in LN. Nutch nutch say noo moore..=/ Jynx  have fixed that for us also. Besides that.No CC at all.
Wel anyways I really just wanted to update you and show you some picture from the hood.  Well at  least a  little bit  of it. I will not relase  it before I feel it is  perfect, no less than that.
And thank you so darly for all comments  I have recived on the blog and in other forums for  my work. Your comments truly inspires to keep up the work.
Hugs Lineca.

Main street in old village part of  the world.

Angler's paradise?

Example of villa.

Apartments. On each of these lots are one apartment and one fake apartment. The real one in good measure of course =))

Poor lots in creepy forrest.

 With next door neighbor, trash piles. =o

"Life is like a box of clocolate. You never know what you gonna get."

Better get a move  on from that creepy place before you end up a bit further down the street.The graveyard.

But if you're  into that style why not hang around in one of the rather grungy bars.

From the landscaping.

Where are the hidden gems? Good view though.

Got green thumbs? Move  into the lavendel farm?

A bit closer to the old village this cozy cottage awaits you.

Wanna move in?

Thats all for today. Gotta go build and get some scrapers in situ now.
Thanks for reading  my blog.
